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EMG 易安基是智能的复杂的自动化解决方案方面的专家,作为技术的领先者,我们有能力为客户提供各种解决方案。

EMG 易安基集团的系列产品、独立部件以及复杂的系统方案主要应用在金属、造纸、塑料、箔膜和轮胎行业的连续生产处理线上。

EMG 易安基自动化公司成立于1946年6月22日,当时属于AEG 集团旗下Nationale Automobilgesellschaft (NAG) 的全资子公司。公司总部位于德国萨尔州南部的文登,文登镇名字来源于1728年成立的炼铁厂。

如今,EMG 易安基已成长为一个全球化公司,有大约1260名员工(其中有75人是学徒),年营业额约21.5亿欧元(截止2015年)。我们为世界范围内的OEM(原装设备制造厂)提供产品,并为最终用户实现交钥匙解决方案。EMG 易安基以总部文登为纽带,根基稳定,同时我们的全球化进程,保证了EMG 易安基的发展和未来。

基于70多年的宝贵经验,EMG 易安基的团队始终以高水准的产品技术革新为基础,不断地向客户提供先进的新技术,从而提高了客户产品的竞争实力。EMG 易安基的工作重点永远是客户利益高于一切。我们通过提供及时的,先进的、灵活的应用技术、切合实际的方案和个性化的服务来满足每一位客户的需求,支持客户取得成功。我们能够取得成功,关键在于诚信互惠,平等互利。

对于质量要求,EMG 易安基自动化公司不仅仅是满足法律,法规等等要求,更多的是要达到客户的期望,并且兼顾技术和成本的可行性。EMG 易安基公司全体员工都对我们产品和流程的质量负责。我们竭尽全力对质量负责,还配有独立的”阶段性质量管理“部门。该部门直接向董事会报告,拥有必要的处置权利和技术设备,负责将我们内外部质量的理念贯彻实施。

EMG 易安基自动化公司-以质量领先

EMG 易安基对质量的承诺体现在一个订单的方方面面。承诺的兑现始于检查相关报价和技术文件,研发和设计阶段,分包商的选择和评估,外购部件和材料的检测,同时还有各种生产计划和控制措施,最后体现在生产设施的及时供给和功能维护上。
我们除了通过实施EMG 易安基的TOP .FIT项目下的内部审计和CIP项目,常规检查现有流程程序以期发现潜力并开发提高,我们质量管理系统的功能也同时被外部审计根据DIN EN ISO 9001检查验证。 另外,特别精密的产品的生产,如根据ATEX2014/24/EU规定生产的防爆产品会被额外检查,或被指定机构单独审计。

EMG 易安基自动化公司-保证安全环保的未来

所有员工的职业健康和安全包括访客的安全对于EMG 易安基自动化公司来说都是日常活动中的头等大事。为了让我们的员工和客户知晓,我们高度重视保护环境和节约资源,EMG 易安基自动化公司在通过ISO 9001标准之后,又申请通过了BS OHSAS 18001 and ISO 50001 标准的检测。

另外,EMG 易安基自动化公司也成功的加入了ÖKOPROFIT项目, 2014年已通过ÖKOPROFIT合格认证。

EMG is the specialist when it comes to intelligent and complex automation solutions and, in our capacity as a technological leader, we are the supplier of choice for our customers.

The main areas of application for series products, individual components and complex system solutions from the EMG group include continuous production processes in the metal, paper and plastic sectors, as well as in the foil and tyre industries.

We are steadily increasing our locations and number of sales offices and we are able to cover a large number of regions, industries and customers. For this purpose, it is important to represent a clear and solid value basis. Respect, reliability and responsibility, coupled with a vision for future-oriented technologies, innovation and quality, are values for which we stand, both with our outstanding products and our premium service. 

EMG is the specialist when it comes to intelligent and complex automation solutions and, in our capacity as a technological leader, we are the supplier of choice for our customers.
The main areas of application for series products, individual components and complex system solutions from the EMG group include continuous production processes in the metal, paper and plastic sectors, as well as in the foil and tyre industries.

With over 70 years of experience, we contribute to our customers' competitive strength through a constant and consistent programme of new and further developments. The basis for this is provided by innovative production technologies with the highest quality standards. Our customers are always the focal point of our activities. We support the success and satisfaction of our customers through state-of-the-art, customised applications, together with highly competent advice and a service that is tailored to suit each customer. In doing so, we rely on trust, honesty and interaction on an equal footing.

显示全部Datasheet产品规格书    官网:www.emg.elexis.group












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